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Here is a selection of videos for your entertainment. There is a pair of propaganda videos from the soviet union of Mayday. The first is 1974, the second is from 1981. Also, there is propaganda from 1968; Animated Soviet Propaganda - "American Imperialist: The Millionaire". There is also The Internationale, as sang at the 1978 national congress of the Soviet communist party. Aswell as this theres an episode of the famous "peoples century" documentary series, which covers the soviet union from its height in the 1970s to its fall.


Together with these is an interview with the famous economist milton friedman and "Atlas shrugged" by Ayn Rand. Enjoy.

1963, V Bordzilovsky and Y Prytkov, Soyuzmultfilm

Written in 1871 by Eugene Pottier, it was adapted in 1888 to a new melody. An anthem for the left, it is sang at rallies and congresses.

"Peoples century" was a British documentary series from the 1990s that chartered the course of the 20th century. In this episode it explains the collapse of communism in the late 80s early 1990s.

Milton Friedman was a champion of libertarianism - here he talks about the market and the state, among other things

born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum, Ayn was a philosopher, playwright and screenwriter. Atlas shrugged was published in 1957; a story of a bureucratic dystopia.

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