Rene Descartes (1596-1650) Argued "I think, therefore I am" is a doubtless statement.

Ludwig Von Mises 1881-1973 A classical economist, developed praxeology (study based on action). Famous for the work "human action".

Milton Friedman (1912-2006) Famous for monetarism and a critic of Keynes; proponent of the Chicago school of economics

Karl Marx (1818-1883) Revolutionary philosopher, sociologist and economist. Wrote an analysis of capitalism.

Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919) Revolutionary socialist, wrote extensively

Antonio Gramsci (1891-1937) Famous for hegemony, imprisoned by mussolini

Herbert Marcuse (1898-1979) part of the Frankfurt school, famous for repressive tolerance
Libertarians and communists. Freedom and equality. Libertarians seek to maximize liberty communists seek to end exploitation of man by man.
Both have distinguished histories - defining the USA and the Soviet union. They conflict philosophically about free choice or determinism, conflict sociologically about human action or structure, and conflict economically about objective or subjective value. The main point of contention is whether work is exploitative and thus whether we are in a false consciousness as Marx put it.
Libertarians argue for laissez-faire policies in a market system of private property. Communists argue for collective policies in a planned system of communal property.
The libertarian communists understand these are the two sides to human nature, that rational self-interest demands markets and effective self-interest demands social conditions. Individuals are self-interested, to varying degrees, and this is (as we exist with others) satisfied by beliefs that are occasionally irrational. We are individuals, but interdependent individuals who are irrational for each other.
We draw on a rich history of inspiration from libertarians and communists. Here are the people who articulated these two classic ideologies that we attempt to bring together - that is free from the state and capitalism.

Isaiah Berlin (1909-1997) Although hes not a libertarian, his ideas on liberty have been influencial.